If the immunity of the body decreases, then various types of diseases surround us. It is very important to have strong immunity of the body to lead a healthy life. Where yoga practice and pranayama increase the immunity of the body. At the same time, proper and balanced diet is also helpful in increasing immunity. by which we can increase our immune capacity. Proper diet is the basis of life. And in today's life, it becomes even more important. Irregular diet weakens the immunity of the lion, while many diseases also make their permanent home in our body. The best example of the danger of weak immunity is in front of us today in the form of Corona virus (KOVIED-19). 1. Do not eat fruits after having a meal: Generally people eat fruits after having meal which is a bad habit because fruits are already digested by nature and to digest fruits do not require much energy. Whereas food takes 3-4 hours to digest. If we eat fruits after having a meal, then the fruit gets digested quickly an...